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Gerry Beauchemin, DT (D.C.F.A.I. founder, admin coordinator); more below 

Dee Danner, DDS  (senior dental advisor)
Dr. Danner retired from a successful dental practice that spanned 35 years. As senior dental adviser, he graciously offers advice and counsel in all aspects of DCFAI courses and website content. Dee keeps up with dental developments that relate to MMC; having become indispensable to our mission. He serves with deep dedication.

Denise Beauchemin (secretary; GHB GUDID coordinator; quality control)
Denise serves in book-keeping and communications, and shares the same vision and commitment to this mission in helping it realize its goals. Denise also took Gerry's hand's on ART class which helped her get a more comprehensive understanding of the program. Denise serves as the organization's accountant which include's acting as its FDA GUDID* Coordinator.  * GUDID ("Global Unique Device Identifier Database.")  

Janet Danner, (dental office administrator; dental assistant; ART practitioner)
Janet Danner, Dr. Danner's wife, took Gerry’s class in 2004. See "More Testimonials" on the Home page for an account of Janet's experience with Gentle Hand-Burs. Dee, subsequently, audited his next class. Dee and Janet have served with Gerry on several trips to Mexico and have practiced and taught ART classes in numerous countries abroad.

Jason Padvorac, BA (biomechanical engineering; IT admin; MMC educator )
Meggan Padvorac, PhD (MMC educator; philosophy professor, more above)
Jason and his wife Meggan have trained with Gerry in Mexico and served in the refugees camps on the border of Cambodia and Thailand. Meggan and Jason also assisted Gerry in I.B.C.D. classes and taught SMART classes in Mexico and Alaska. Jason and Meggan plan to assist the Groots in taking this mission into the future.
Meggan as a college professor, assists with online course development and exams  

Azarja Groot, BA (aviation science; pilot; A&P mechanic; DCFAI admin in training; GHB mfr team) 
Renee Groot, BA (unified science/ secondary edu. teacher; insurance agent
Azarja's wife, Gerry and Denise's daughter.
Azarja and Renee both assist the dental mission as needed and are committed to take this
mission into the future along with the Padvoracs and Luke Fisher. 

Luke Fisher RN Emer.ency Care. Luke established dental clinics in DRC (Democratic Rep. Congo) with SDA and  DCFAI. He has taken Gerry Beauchemins' ART course with emergency oral surgery (extractions) in 2014 at IBCD in Watts, OK. He has also assisted Gerry in teaching ART classes at IBCD, Honduras,and DRC. He presently works part-time at a local hospital urgent care unit, owns and operates a farm, and continues to make return trips to DRC as needs arise.   

Gerry Beauchemin, DT (D.C.F.A.I. founder, admin coordinator)

1990-1992 Canada: Graduated from the National School of Dental Therapy. 
active membership in the Saskatchewan Dental Therapists Association.
1994-2001 Senegal: Helped launch Keru Yakaar (House of Hope), a medical / dental clinic in Dakar together with Dr. Martine Fritsch (France). He mentored seven nationals to serve as fellow clinicians providing urgent dental care at their own stations. Keru Yakaar continues to this day.
2001-2019 Mexico border: Brownsville. Gerry taught international ART / SMART classes, mostly in Mexico with training classes in the US, Haiti, Honduras, Guatemala, and D.R. of Congo. 
2003 Gerry discovered the wonders of hand-burs when he glued them into mirror handles and found that they made caries' excavation quicker and easier. He has trained over 300 individuals in ART, mostly non-dentists from all backgrounds serving as volunteers in the developing world.
2019-2022 Dentists from the US, Canada, England, Belgium, Holland, Bolivia, India appreciate the benefits of Gentle Hand-Burs (GHBs) with SMART. Encouraged by the above, Gerry has registered with the FDA, filed for a Patent & TM for Gentle Hand-Burs®. Gerry, Jason and others are helping to update our website to serve the greater MMC movement in a drive to introduce MMC to the dental profession and to offer self-care options for all. What inspires Gerry most in dental care.

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